All posts by Ekya

#ParentBlogger: Making the new learning experience more enjoyable

Our Prime Minister, Mr. Modi during his Independence Day speech this year spoke of many things which are undergoing major changes because of the COVID 19. One of the main changes being in the education system, not only in India...

/ September 1, 2020

#ParentBlogger: What we feel about online classes!

I feel very happy today that I made the right decision to enroll my daughter Drisha NC in Ekya schools. Drisha has been with the current institution (CMR) for the last 5 years and with Ekya schools for 3 years...

/ August 18, 2020

#TeacherBlogger: Teaching children to manage resources

In today’s world, when most kids’ wishes are fulfilled by their parents in the nick of time, it makes me ponder on the rapid age of materialism that we are moving into. Some of our parents also brought us up...

/ August 18, 2020

#TeacherBlogger: Encouraging self-learning habits in students

As a teacher, I have been trying to understand why children are sometimes unable to focus on a class? Why do they sometimes come up with excuses for failing to complete an assignment on time? Why are these children unable...

/ August 14, 2020

#ParentWorkshop: Islands of Love: Coping During Quarantine

With the city going into its most recent lockdown, our ever-curious children are now feeling the impact of prolonged quarantine.  They have been remarkable in their adaptability, be it online classes or not being able to meet their friends as often as...

/ July 21, 2020

#StudentArtist-A Tribute to the all Front line Workers by Sujan S, Grade 8 Ekya ITPL

Drawing is my hobby. I wanted to appreciate the efforts put in by our Prime Minister Narendra Modi and our frontline warriors- Doctors, Nurses, Policemen, Sanitation workers, Media, and Delivery personnel in the fight against corona. I felt, as a...

/ June 29, 2020

#StudentBlogger: How I designed my own Football Monopoly

Hello, I am Jay Gupta from Grade 4B at Ekya School, ITPL.  I was bored during the lockdown for two months as I could not go out to play. I spent my time playing different indoor games like Carrom, Monopoly,...

/ June 29, 2020

#EkyaRecommends: Online education is an opportunity; Advocate fewer restrictions and more learning

With 144 countries closing schools, more than a billion learners have been affected. As more and more schools are forced to deal with large scale education crises, online education, which was typically associated with only higher education, is now seen...

/ June 24, 2020

#HumansOfEkya: Online classes – A New Journey by Ms. Ashwini KC

Virtual connect- A new era was about to begin, In the life of a teacher. Excitement, preparation, enthusiasm, and more importantly nervousness. These were the feelings flowing in me before I started the Online classes. I felt a different chapter...

/ June 23, 2020

Richa Thyagarajan: Shaping my outlook at Ekya and exceeding my expectations

Charity or social activities require two basic qualities – empathy and self-drive. I have been extremely fortunate that I am able to explore these values because of my parents and the holistic educational experience at Ekya School. When I began...

/ June 16, 2020