Applied Learning

The Applied Learning program includes academic disciplines such as Accountancy and Business Studies providing a diverse educational experience. This fosters a diverse and interdisciplinary learning environment and provides students with learning opportunities that go beyond traditional academic streams.

Learning Area Purpose:

Accountancy (Grade 11-12) - The Accountancy Program equips learners to:
  • develop an understanding of accounting concepts and principles followed to present financial information.
  • make informed decisions using analytical and interpretation skills.
Business Studies (Grade 11-12) - The Business Studies Program equips learners to:
  • explore the dynamic nature and interdependent aspects of business and develop an understanding of many social and ethical issues.
  • develop enterprising behaviours and capabilities that can be transferable into life and work.

Key Learning Experiences:

  • Socratic Seminars: encourage open dialogue and critical thinking, fostering interactive discussions where students collaboratively explore concepts.
  • Case Studies: immerse students in real-world scenarios, offering practical insights into applying Accountancy and Business Studies concepts, enhancing problem-solving skills.
  • Group Discussions: facilitate collaborative learning, encouraging idea exchange and problem-solving, promoting effective communication and critical thinking.
  • Visible Thinking Routines:enhance visual analysis, providing unique perspectives on complex concepts.
  • Authentic Performance Tasks:enable students to showcase understanding in real-world contexts, applying theoretical knowledge practically for a deeper learning experience.

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