Our Schools

Ekya / June 22, 2022 Posted by : administrator


Education must impart knowledge and help the students become empathetic and responsible human beings of the future. Schools play a major part in imparting knowledge and moulding a better version of the students. Education doesn’t stop with textbook education; it should also include how to conduct themselves in the world and prepare them for the world. The students must be able to adapt and accommodate to the fast-changing world. For instance, our parents had a certain level of exposure in terms of interpersonal relationships, people, culture, and history. In our generation, technology was starting to pick up and our parents oversaw what we consumed and how it affected or impacted us. Whereas, the kids in the current generation are easily addicted to digital and technological advancement. The technologies have better control over the students than the parents.

Digital Citizenship and Digital citizens:

In this modern era, the world has apparently become smaller through the internet and the world wide web. Previously it would take two to three days for a letter to reach the other part of the country or a foreign country. A phone call to an outstation or a foreign country would cost a fortune. However, after the invention of the internet and the world wide web, it has become easier to reach out to any part of the world just by the tap of your fingers from the comfort of your home. In this digital era, computer literacy has become a mandate for people of age groups. People who inculcate the skill and knowledge to use the internet and the computer knowledge for productive outcomes and the betterment are called digital citizens. Digital citizenship – the term refers to the population/society that uses the internet and social media platforms for different activities like creating, collaborating, engaging, promoting and growing.

The school has a greater responsibility vested on them in teaching their students how to be responsible citizens and what are the pillars of the digital world. Educating the students at a younger age and imbibing a sense of empathy and responsibility will help them shape as better digital citizens of the tomorrow.

Why must students be aware of digital citizenship?

In the earlier days, the digital world was introduced to students above 15 or 18 years of age with limited exposure under parental guidance. However, nowadays even a 2-year-old has some form of electronic gadget with a screen, be it a mobile or a tablet. With classes happening online, kids are exposed to a lot of screen time in the digital space without adult supervision. So, it is important for the students to learn the know-how of digital citizenship so that they are able to use the power of the digital platform in a secured and controlled manner. By educating them about the dangers and potential predators of cyberbullying, content misappropriation, privacy, etc. the teachers and the parents are creating a better and safer individuals of the future.

Elements of digital citizenship:

The primary components of responsible digital citizenship are:

  • Digital etiquette

Etiquette means the way of behaviour, or the way in which one must conduct themselves. Digital etiquette is the way a student must conduct themselves online. Their attitude and the way they interact and respond to others will be a reflection of themself in the real world.

  • Digital communication

Communication is a very important aspect of the digital world. Students often forget that they are communicating in a virtual space where everything is accessible to everyone. This gives way to a lot of miscommunications while voicing their opinion. The web has given them a platform to communicate their ideas, opinions, and voice on important issues. However, it is the responsibility of the school to impart communication etiquette on a digital platform for empathetic digital citizens.

  • Digital literacy

Since the digital space is free to share any content, the students need to learn to distinguish between fake and real content. Without any proper checkpoint for the authenticity of the shared information, fake news can spread. The student must not indulge in sharing or creating such fake news that will impact them and society to a larger extent. A well-informed responsible digital citizen must possess digital literacy.

  • Digital laws and rights

Contents available on the internet or created in the free space are subject to a few fundamental laws and rights to protect and recognise the creator. Schools have the responsibility of teaching their students about content misappropriation and the laws governing the same. Content misrepresentation and plagiarism is a punishable offence according to the Digital media and technology bill of India.

  • Digital commerce

Money transactions online have become a necessity with the digitisation of money and e-commerce.  The transactions can happen through any government recognised application like BHIM or any third-party private application; like google pay, phone pe, or pay tm. It is vital to enlighten the students about the expectant digital fraud they should avoid and how to securely transfer money from one party to another.

  • Digital well-being

With every facility right from shopping, education, entertainment, medicinal help, and money transactions, it is easier to get addicted to the screens. The students must be aware of how to protect themselves and their personal information from being misused. The school must teach them how to be safe and secure for a better-digitised future.

Why is Digital Citizenship important?

The students of the present will be the citizens of tomorrow. It is important for them to understand the power of the internet and the world wide web. From a broader perspective, digital citizenship explores the dos and don’ts of the powerful yet very dangerous tool in hand. As with every other developmental discovery, the internet also has both advantages and disadvantages. It is vital to understand the disadvantages of the internet and digital technology.

Advantages of Digital citizenship:

  • People can collaborate, create, and ideate with the others across the world just from their living room
  • Simple tasks like report making and analysis become much faster and easier saving time for everyone
  • Sharing knowledge has never been easier before. Now anyone from one corner of the world can share their knowledge on a safe platform where people can access it and learn from the comfort of their home.
  • Easier availability of important events, and happenings around the world.
  • This pandemic had given rise to video conferencing technologies that help connect us virtually to our loved ones across the globe.
  • There are events, fashion shows, and marriages happening over video conferencing technology.
  • Digital technological development had made it easier for schools and educational institutions to impart knowledge to their students during difficult times. The internet and digital technology have made it possible to continue educating future citizens.


As the famous saying goes, ‘A coin has two sides, every development has both advantages and disadvantages. Digital citizenship also has both advantages and disadvantages . The digital citizens must be responsible enough to use the tool in a constructive way. Once information is posted on the world wide web it cannot be removed permanently without any footprints. It is more like a carving done on a stone; you can never really destroy it. The anonymity provided by the online world can be dangerous if utilised in a harmful way. Digital literacy is of utmost importance for young children who will grow to be the future of tomorrow. It is vital for them to understand the impact of the digital world and use them responsibly.

9 key p’s of digital citizenship- basics to secure digital citizenship:

The school is the first place where the students learn to be more responsible towards other students and the society. We at Ekya, one of the top schools in Bangalore, ensure to provide a holistic education that helps our students to become better individuals. Our teachers are well-trained to enlighten our students on the different aspects of digital citizenship and how to be responsible citizens. We teach the 9 Key P’s of digital citizenship as a base for further learning in the digital era.

The 9 key P’s are as follows:

  • Passwords

We teach our students how to effectively use passwords, whom to share them and with whom not to share the same.

  • Privacy

Privacy is how students can secure their personal information. We teach about how they can identify secured and unsecured websites and how to navigate around the same.

  • Personal Information

Personal Information of the student and the family and other related information that might lead to impersonating an individual must be secured and carefully revealed.  

  • Photographs

We teach our students about the photos they can share online and the data policy governed by the local bodies for the same. The students will learn to report any misuse of personal pictures or details to protect themselves and others.

  • Property

We teach them how to generate licenses for their work and how to protect them. In the wide digital space, it is only easier to misappropriate original content and cause copyright infringement.

  • Permission

When landing on a website there are different permissions asked by the website for accessing the personal information. It is important for the students to understand when, where and what to grant permissions for.

  • Protection

Protection is the technological software that is available against viruses, malware and ransomware.

  • Personal Brand

It is important for the students to understand the impact of the personal brand. The values they represent, how they are perceived and how it will affect their presence online.

  • Professionalism

The students learn the difference between academic interaction and their interaction in their social lives digitally. Both require a different etiquette to be followed.


Be it Digital Citizens or Just citizens, we at Ekya, one of the best international schools in Bangalore, place our students on a global pedestal as better human beings and a leader. We believe that a responsible citizen in the real world will reflect in the digital world too. We conduct several workshops and classes that emphasise the need to be an empathetic, non-judgemental person for a better future.

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Ekya / April 03, 2024

The Power of Learning with Intent: A Guide to Purposeful Education

In a world brimming with information, the art of learning has evolved beyond the mere acquisition of facts. Learning with intent, a deliberate approach to education emphasises quality over quantity, depth over breadth, and purpose over passive absorption. It’s about cultivating a mindset that transforms knowledge into meaningful action and empowers individuals to navigate the complexities of the modern age effectively.

At its core, learning with intent involves setting clear objectives and actively engaging with the subject matter. Whether exploring a new language, delving into scientific principles, or honing a creative skill, intentionality infuses each learning endeavour with purpose and direction. As Albert Einstein aptly said, "The only source of knowledge is experience." This quote amplifies the importance of active participation and hands-on learning, highlighting that true understanding arises from deliberate engagement with the material.

Furthermore, engaging actively with the material is paramount. Embrace challenges and embrace mistakes as opportunities for growth. This proactive approach not only deepens your understanding but also cultivates critical thinking and problem-solving skills essential for success in any field.

Moreover, learning with intent emphasises relevance and applicability. Seek out opportunities to apply newfound knowledge in real-world scenarios, bridging the gap between theory and practice. By contextualising learning within your personal or professional sphere, you enhance its significance and utility, making it more likely to stick.

In conclusion, learning with intent is a transformative approach that transcends traditional notions of education. By setting clear objectives, engaging actively, prioritising relevance, and fostering a growth mindset, individuals can harness the full potential of learning to achieve their goals and thrive in an ever-changing world. So, embark on your learning journey with purpose, and let each lesson propel you towards a brighter, more fulfilling future.

By Sweta Pradeep Rao

Senior English Educator

Ekya School JP Nagar

Ekya / April 02, 2024

Gadget-free Summer Break

With summer vacation around, I urge parents to explore various ways to facilitate children to make healthy choices during their vacation time.

Last week, when we asked our Early Years to visualise their characters and create a story, most of them came up with stories about ghosts and monsters attacking others.  When we had conversations about what gave them this idea, we understood that these story ideas emanated from their online games. While gaming per se develops specific skills and requires focus, it also stifles the imagination of young children. Since it is visually appealing, children tend to remember those images in their heads all the time.

I often see parents providing very young children (1 year to 3 year olds)  with gadgets as the means to keep children engaged and entertained. I see children watching phones in the waiting areas of clinics, hospitals, school lobbies and banks.

This brings us to a fundamental question “ Should children be engaged by parents all the time?” Not necessarily. What is likely to happen if children were not handed over gadgets at the waiting lounges? What would they do? Some of them may cry, some may throw a loud tantrum, and some may crib. If parents show resilience and allow children to settle down themselves, they will soon find ways to keep themselves engaged. Likewise, during summer vacation. What if this is a “no gadget” vacation and parents do not take up the responsibility to engage their children? What would children do? How can parents show resilience here and facilitate children to make healthy choices? I leave the readers with this thought for this summer vacation.

Mathangi R,

Head of School,

Ekya NICE Road.

Ekya / April 02, 2024

The Eye of the Storm

In the hushed embrace of an Indian evening, our journey began, a symphony of anticipation orchestrated by the hum of jet engines and the flutter of boarding passes. The promise of adventure beckoned from distant shores as we boarded our flight bound for the United Kingdom, our hearts aflutter with dreams of far-off lands and newfound horizons. But as we soared through the velvet sky, a foreboding shadow loomed on the horizon, a harbinger of the chaos that was soon to unfold. In the blink of an eye, the tranquil serenity of our airborne sanctuary was shattered by a deafening crack, a burst of purple lightning that danced across the heavens with an otherworldly fervour. The air crackled with electricity as the plane shuddered beneath the force of the storm, its metal frame quivering in defiance against the tempestuous onslaught. And then, in a heart-stopping moment of sheer terror, the heavens unleashed their fury upon us, casting our fragile vessel into a maelstrom of chaos and uncertainty. The sky darkened to a shade of ominous charcoal as the winds howled with a primal ferocity, tearing at the wings of our faltering craft with savage intent. The cabin was awash with panicked cries and frantic prayers as we clung to our seats with white-knuckled desperation, each passing moment stretching into eternity.

And then, as if mocking our feeble attempts at control, the plane tilted almost 180 degrees, its nose plummeting towards the earth with a sickening lurch. Time seemed to stand still as we hurtled towards the ground, our fate hanging in the balance as the world spun wildly out of control. But just when all hope seemed lost, a glimmer of salvation emerged from the chaos, a beacon of light amidst the encroaching darkness. With a mighty roar, the engines surged to life once more, their thunderous symphony drowning out the cacophony of the storm as we clawed our way back from the brink of oblivion. As the storm clouds parted and the sun cast its golden rays upon the horizon, we emerged battered but unbroken, our spirits buoyed by the triumph of the human spirit in the face of adversity. And though our journey had been fraught with peril and uncertainty, we emerged from the crucible of the skies stronger and more resilient than ever before. For in the crucible of adversity, we discovered the true measure of our strength, our courage, and our unwavering determination to defy the odds and chart our course through the tempestuous seas of life. As we touched down on solid ground once more, I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the world around us, a testament to the indomitable spirit of the human soul.

Arjun Narasimhan Kuppuswamy

Grade 8C

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#StudentBlogger: Clash Of PI By, Rishikesh K M Grade 8, Ekya School, JP Nagar

My experience in Clash of Pi over the years

Math has been my strong point for as long as I can remember, but I never found a way to quantify my skill relative to others in my age group until I was introduced to Clash of Pi. Clash of Pi is a competitive speed math circuit that consists of 15 exams spread out across a year. Each exam is 15 minutes long and consists of 25 questions so you can only imagine how important speed is. Kids of my age group across the whole of Asia are quizzed on various stopovers of the year and the student with the best scores in all of the exams wins first place.

Figure 1 shows the schedule in clash of pi for 8th grade this year.

Year 1

I started Clash of Pi in grade 5 thinking that it would be a good opportunity to test myself and actively improve my math. In my first exam, I remember going through 2 mock tests as preparation. While the mock tests were helpful, I found that they didn’t give me a good variety of questions and I essentially felt a lack of resources to prepare for the exam. I finished the first test with an All-Asia rank of 23 which at the time I was very proud of.

It honestly took me a while to get the hang of Clash of Pi and learn to strike a balance between speed and accuracy. Over 5th grade, I had some really good performances (for my standards at the time) and some really bad performances that were caused by mismanagement of time and many other factors. With things going up and down, I ended the year with a rank of 16 which I was pretty proud of at the time but I knew that there was room for improvement.

Year 2

6th grade was the year I had a big leap in my Clash of Pi skills. This was the year online learning started thriving due to the coronavirus pandemic and I felt like this was the perfect opportunity to level up at math considering the amount of free time on my hands now. I started by working on being more consistent as I thought that it was essential if I intended to better my rank. Additionally, Clash of Pi has released more resources in the form of LEAP (Advanced Learning). LEAP tests consisted of 10 questions to be solved in 10 minutes and explained the concepts as well.

I found the LEAP topics important and probably what I credit most of my success in Clash of Pi. Throughout 6th grade, I got a feel for Clash of Pi. I became faster and more consistent. I employed many mental math tricks and shortcuts to come to answers a lot faster and made fewer mistakes. At this point, I had all the resources and the potential but still lacked the work ethic. I would usually start preparing for the test at most, 2 days before the exam. This would end up with me not giving my brain sufficient time to digest the info that I’m learning. For this reason, I finished the year with a rank of 5 which is progress but not my best work.

Year 3

7th grade was my favorite ear in Clash of Pi. I began enjoying practicing and learning the intricacies of various math subjects. My preparation process this year was essentially the same, however, I became more diligent and more committed to preparing for Clash of Pi. I now had a specific method of preparing where I would go through all the LEAP problems for the topic and then do mock tests. One addition to my preparation routine was doing the previous tests and that was helpful considering similar concepts being repeated. I also used a 10th grade Math textbook for various sample problems and to help myself get a feel for the numbers that I would have to work with almost to the extent that it was second nature. In total, I devoted at least an hour to Math every day. After this, all things started to fall into place. I started getting good results very consistently and I’m happy to say that I finished 7th grade with an All-Asia rank of #1.

Another interesting thing in 7th grade is the fact that I saw an improvement in my Math in terms of school work. I also became a lot more diligent in working on my school studies and saw a major improvement in my results, especially in my Term End Exam 2022.

I will no doubt continue Clash of Pi for as long as I can as it brings out the best in me and the results motivate me to work hard not only in math but in all my school subjects. I would also recommend trying out Clash of Pi if you haven’t already.

Hoping to see you working on Clash of Pi shortly, see you later.

Rishikesh K M, Grade 8, Ekya School, JP Nagar

#TeacherBlogger: We Are Back By, Ms. Ashmini KC Computer Science Middle School Teacher, Ekya Schools

Hi Ma’am, we are back!!

A day which was long-awaited by the teachers and students!!

A day, which will fill color to the school campus and make it vibrant!!

A day, which gives space to go out in the open air, and experiences the warmth, the cool breeze of the wind!!

A day when the teacher can hold the chalk and write on the blackboard!!

A day where we see the beautiful charming smiles on our sweet students!!

A day, which resonates with the chirping voices of the blooming buds!!

A day finally arrived to make it “THE PERFECT DAY!!”

Yes, it was the day that I was longing to experience, which was missing for the past two years.

What an amazing feeling it was to wake up, get ready with the best attire, and pack the lunch bag!! And head to meet my superb kids in person !! My mind was filled with excitement, happiness, joy, pleasure, enchantment, and ecstasy!! I was thrilled to experience this day!!

“Hi Ma’am, we are back!!” Hi Ma’am, We are so excited to come back to offline school !!

These voices started to echo and replicate in each class I went to and filled my heart with warmth, joy, and delight!!

What a fulfilling moment and day it was, to see the campus fully vibrant and colorful with kids moving around and eagerly waiting to explore, learn and innovate new ideas!!

Away from the call links, grid view, and mute button!!. Children were excited to meet their friends, share their thoughts, have lunch together, do group activities, and much more.

The boards were lifeless without colorful content on them and works of students which made them bright and welcoming!!

And finally, the day arrived when the campus was buzzing with the chirping sounds of the students, boards decorated with vibrant colors and mesmerizing designs to have our kids on board, and students excited to have an everyday school with all the fun activities which they were longing from two years to enjoy their “STUDENT LIFE WHICH IS A GOLDEN LIFE !!”

What fun it is to collaborate, learn and work together and move forward as “ONE TOGETHER”!!

Ms. Ashwini KC

Computer Science Middle school teacher.

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