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Ekya / October 01, 2020 Posted by : administrator

Mixing five classic elements, different in feature,

God prepared a dish and named it nature.

He decorated it up from north pole to south pole,

Filled it with life, and blessed it with a soul.

The soul was named human really a wonder,

A body was granted so intricate and tender.

God bestowed on human a gift, nature,

To protect it in present, to preserve it for future.

Human enjoyed the macrocosm, and found solace,

Respected it, worshiped it as a sacred place.

He lived, procreated, and continued generations,

But loyalty to nature declined over successions.

Now human has reached the point of no return,

Destroying fellow creatures, playing satan.

Trying to gain control on everything around,

Being wise by penny, but foolish by pound.

Human never realized nature’s potential,

Living in delusion that his power is torrential.

If nature shows fury, causes natural calamities,

Human will suffer genocide, enormous fatalities.

Human has forgotten the lessons that God taught him,

Eventually, would pay price for his fancies and whim.

If human race is to survive, sustain, and see progress,

From responsibilities towards nature, it cannot digress

Its high time human learnt to maintain harmony

Between him and nature, to do away with agony

Respect to nature will earn humans ages to live

Nature has options, human has no alternative

Cooperation and coexistence if favored the most

Sure in human’s name will nature propose a toast.


Joshitha Rani,

Grade 10

Ekya School, JP Nagar

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Ekya / April 03, 2024

The Power of Learning with Intent: A Guide to Purposeful Education

In a world brimming with information, the art of learning has evolved beyond the mere acquisition of facts. Learning with intent, a deliberate approach to education emphasises quality over quantity, depth over breadth, and purpose over passive absorption. It’s about cultivating a mindset that transforms knowledge into meaningful action and empowers individuals to navigate the complexities of the modern age effectively.

At its core, learning with intent involves setting clear objectives and actively engaging with the subject matter. Whether exploring a new language, delving into scientific principles, or honing a creative skill, intentionality infuses each learning endeavour with purpose and direction. As Albert Einstein aptly said, "The only source of knowledge is experience." This quote amplifies the importance of active participation and hands-on learning, highlighting that true understanding arises from deliberate engagement with the material.

Furthermore, engaging actively with the material is paramount. Embrace challenges and embrace mistakes as opportunities for growth. This proactive approach not only deepens your understanding but also cultivates critical thinking and problem-solving skills essential for success in any field.

Moreover, learning with intent emphasises relevance and applicability. Seek out opportunities to apply newfound knowledge in real-world scenarios, bridging the gap between theory and practice. By contextualising learning within your personal or professional sphere, you enhance its significance and utility, making it more likely to stick.

In conclusion, learning with intent is a transformative approach that transcends traditional notions of education. By setting clear objectives, engaging actively, prioritising relevance, and fostering a growth mindset, individuals can harness the full potential of learning to achieve their goals and thrive in an ever-changing world. So, embark on your learning journey with purpose, and let each lesson propel you towards a brighter, more fulfilling future.

By Sweta Pradeep Rao

Senior English Educator

Ekya School JP Nagar

Ekya / April 02, 2024

Gadget-free Summer Break

With summer vacation around, I urge parents to explore various ways to facilitate children to make healthy choices during their vacation time.

Last week, when we asked our Early Years to visualise their characters and create a story, most of them came up with stories about ghosts and monsters attacking others.  When we had conversations about what gave them this idea, we understood that these story ideas emanated from their online games. While gaming per se develops specific skills and requires focus, it also stifles the imagination of young children. Since it is visually appealing, children tend to remember those images in their heads all the time.

I often see parents providing very young children (1 year to 3 year olds)  with gadgets as the means to keep children engaged and entertained. I see children watching phones in the waiting areas of clinics, hospitals, school lobbies and banks.

This brings us to a fundamental question “ Should children be engaged by parents all the time?” Not necessarily. What is likely to happen if children were not handed over gadgets at the waiting lounges? What would they do? Some of them may cry, some may throw a loud tantrum, and some may crib. If parents show resilience and allow children to settle down themselves, they will soon find ways to keep themselves engaged. Likewise, during summer vacation. What if this is a “no gadget” vacation and parents do not take up the responsibility to engage their children? What would children do? How can parents show resilience here and facilitate children to make healthy choices? I leave the readers with this thought for this summer vacation.

Mathangi R,

Head of School,

Ekya NICE Road.

Ekya / April 02, 2024

The Eye of the Storm

In the hushed embrace of an Indian evening, our journey began, a symphony of anticipation orchestrated by the hum of jet engines and the flutter of boarding passes. The promise of adventure beckoned from distant shores as we boarded our flight bound for the United Kingdom, our hearts aflutter with dreams of far-off lands and newfound horizons. But as we soared through the velvet sky, a foreboding shadow loomed on the horizon, a harbinger of the chaos that was soon to unfold. In the blink of an eye, the tranquil serenity of our airborne sanctuary was shattered by a deafening crack, a burst of purple lightning that danced across the heavens with an otherworldly fervour. The air crackled with electricity as the plane shuddered beneath the force of the storm, its metal frame quivering in defiance against the tempestuous onslaught. And then, in a heart-stopping moment of sheer terror, the heavens unleashed their fury upon us, casting our fragile vessel into a maelstrom of chaos and uncertainty. The sky darkened to a shade of ominous charcoal as the winds howled with a primal ferocity, tearing at the wings of our faltering craft with savage intent. The cabin was awash with panicked cries and frantic prayers as we clung to our seats with white-knuckled desperation, each passing moment stretching into eternity.

And then, as if mocking our feeble attempts at control, the plane tilted almost 180 degrees, its nose plummeting towards the earth with a sickening lurch. Time seemed to stand still as we hurtled towards the ground, our fate hanging in the balance as the world spun wildly out of control. But just when all hope seemed lost, a glimmer of salvation emerged from the chaos, a beacon of light amidst the encroaching darkness. With a mighty roar, the engines surged to life once more, their thunderous symphony drowning out the cacophony of the storm as we clawed our way back from the brink of oblivion. As the storm clouds parted and the sun cast its golden rays upon the horizon, we emerged battered but unbroken, our spirits buoyed by the triumph of the human spirit in the face of adversity. And though our journey had been fraught with peril and uncertainty, we emerged from the crucible of the skies stronger and more resilient than ever before. For in the crucible of adversity, we discovered the true measure of our strength, our courage, and our unwavering determination to defy the odds and chart our course through the tempestuous seas of life. As we touched down on solid ground once more, I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the world around us, a testament to the indomitable spirit of the human soul.

Arjun Narasimhan Kuppuswamy

Grade 8C

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#StudentBlogger: Little Women- A Movie Review

The movie, “Little Women,” directed by Greta Gerwig released on 25th December 2019. It is based on the books “Little Women” and “Good Wives” written by Louisa May Alcott, which were published in the nineteenth and the twentieth century.

 The story follows the March sisters - Margaret, Josephine, Amy, and Elizabeth March, who go by the names Meg, Jo, Amy, and Beth, and live a life of poverty while their father is fighting as a chaplain in the American Civil War. The heroine of the movie, however, is Jo March. The four sisters befriend their neighbor, Theodore Lawrence, or Laurie.

Jo, who was a tomboy with a short temper, was always passionate about writing. As a teenager, she wrote many plays, which she and her sisters used to enact in front of the other children of the neighborhood. She goes on to write a book about her sisters and their domestic struggles. Amy, much younger than Jo, wanted to be the greatest artist of all time. Meg, a great actor, had no great wishes in life, but she disliked her life of poverty. Beth, the best of them and great at the piano, catches scarlet fever, as a teenager and later as an adult, which becomes the reason for her death.

The story goes back to the past of the sisters, where they are shown as adolescents, and compares it with the present, where each of the girls is more mature and grown.

The younger selves of Jo and Amy had many fights and later we see that they learn to not be angry at one another. Meg always played her role of the elder sister perfectly, correcting her sisters when they went wrong. Beth, on the other hand, was always a quiet girl who kept the family together and reminded them not to fret over trivial things, and to always be grateful.

As the girls grow up, Meg marries John Brooke, Laurie’s tutor. Amy marries Laurie, who had been turned down by Jo, who ended up marrying Professor Friedrick Bhaer. Beth, unfortunately, gives up to scarlet fever. The bond between the four March sisters is, however, summed up very well when Jo says “Life is too short to be angry at one’s sisters.”

The sisters stick together through fights, bleak winters without Mr. and Mrs. March, and find solace in their sisterhood, without fretting over being poor. Each of the characters is perfectly portrayed and none of the important parts of the bond between the sisters has been excluded from the screenplay. I’d highly recommend the movie to anyone looking for a movie with strong female lead characters, who break stereotypes and learn to laugh in the darkest of times.

Each actor has enhanced the movie with their natural and outstanding performance. Jo was played by Saoirse Ronan, who has expressed every emotion perfectly. Amy was played by Florence Pugh, and although Amy wasn’t supposed to have a big role being the younger sister, Pugh has certainly promoted her character to being the second heroine of the film with excellent dialog delivery, voice modulation, and acting to go with it. We can see how she matures as she grows up, and how her acting fits her character perfectly. Meg was played by Emma Watson, which was a good try, but not a performance that stood out. Beth was played by Eliza Scanlen, who does justice to the character and her performance was satisfactory. The other characters like Laura Dern, Timothee Chalamet, Meryl Streep, James Norton, and Louis Garrel certainly did not let me down. The casting of this movie was one of those which I greatly appreciate.

All in all, the screenplay was very well written, the direction and acting were very well carried out, and most importantly, it did justice to the book. Little Women includes various aspects of sisterhood, friendship, love, and heartbreak and is one of our family must-watch movies.


Urja Srivastava,

Grade 10

Ekya School, JP Nagar

#StudentBlogger: Data Science – Dream of Dreams or Nightmare of Nightmares?

The brain is a marvel. You could tell a two-year old that a certain picture is a dog, and the child will instantly associate the figure of a dog to that picture. Next time they see a dog, they will associate it with the word ‘dog’. If you show them the picture of another 4-legged animal, they may be confused, because, well they have not learned the name of that animal yet.

This is exactly what data science aims to achieve. Ever seen the front camera trying to guess your gender and age, but it shows your age 20 years off and the opposite gender? That is data science at work. Data science, in short, is the use of many scientific and technological processes to obtain knowledge and insights into the data. It is not perfect, and is very flawed, as of now. But with advancements in technology and mathematics, we can refine it to be the closest to the human brain, or even better.

Data science aims to transform the normal computer into a machine that can well, think for itself. It is the stepping stone for a whole new generation of artificial intelligence, computers which do not need to be programmed to execute tasks. All the science fiction movies such as ‘I, Robot’ may not be science fiction anymore. Day by day, we inch closer to that dream and a potential nightmare.

Data science has many applications as well as fields that pave the way for further applications. Some of the most popular applications of data science are -

  • Fraud and Risk Detection - One of the most common areas where risk detection is used is the spam filter in Gmail. Ever happened that an important email that was urgent never made it to your inbox, and only later you found out that it went to the spam folder? Data science aims to improve fraud and risk detection to such an extent that emails can be scanned and if they contain the keywords and phrases of spam emails, they go to the spam folder. Right now, the software is not too perfect, the consequence of which is you lose track of important information. In general, it can be used to improve the security of NetBanking and other places where sensitive information is entered.
  • Healthcare - Data science can help find cures for diseases such as the novel coronavirus. All viruses have a protein structure and the viruses for which cures have already been discovered can be compared to viruses for which treatments have not been discovered in order to find defects in the viruses which can help find a cure.
  • Advanced Image Detection - As I had mentioned before, the software can take examples of how people look at their age and compare that to your face to get an accurate age and gender.
  • Speech Recognition - Voice assistants like Google Assistant, Siri, Bixby can use data science in order to speak more naturally. Google Duplex was one such thing. It can learn from your schedule and use natural language processing to call hairdressers, set meetings, and help you throughout the day. In essence, everyone will have their own assistant now.

As is with any breakthrough technology, Data Science has its advantages and disadvantages. Some of its biggest advantages -

  • Smarter Products - As I mentioned before, products can use machine learning to help tailor more to your needs and give you what you need, when you need it.
  • Widespread Applications - Data science can be used in almost any field, from banking to medicine to the cell phones in our hands. This versatility also helps ensure that data science will not be an obsolete field in the near future.

But this future comes at a price. Some disadvantages of data science are -

  • Huge Amounts of Data - To train models that can predict outcomes and determine patterns efficiently with minimum error, massive amounts of data are required. This amount of data is not something that companies have at hand. This very often results in low efficiency of the system.
  • Data Privacy - As mentioned above, companies need huge volumes of data to have accurate models ready to be implemented in the real world. These volumes of data are taken from users. This data is then essentially public and not private, which is a big risk to privacy and security.

So what do you think? Is Data Science the dream of dreams, or nightmare of nightmares?


Aryan Dalmia

Grade 10A

Ekya School JP Nagar

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